Monday, September 12, 2011

A List

I was going to try and start this blog as if I had never stopped, but really it has been two years since i have written anything. There is really no way around that. I guess it is about time that I get my act together. Sheesh.

A quick run down of what has happened in the last two years: we bought our first house, we painted...a lot, we got a dog, we got a new car, we got another dog, we got new jobs, and we still love each other. I always used to think that the expression about life going by at the blink of an eye was silly. I understand it more and more everyday.

This past weekend we were able to go to the BL and spend some time with my parents and my brother and his family. It was a lot of fun and totally exhausting. Watching my brother with his kids and being back with all my childhood things has me a little bit stressed out about the thought of being a mother. I mean really what if I forget all of the things that I am supposed to teach my kids. I have been thinking about this subject for a few weeks, and I am starting a list. Here it is my MOSTLY COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF THINGS TO TEACH MY know someday when I have them:

  • World's best chocolate chip cookie recipe

  • How to fold a towel in thirds

  • The story of Johnny Appleseed

  • How to make hospital corners

  • How to two step

  • How to clean a sink

  • Funny Bunny (ok...this one is actually on Rory)

I mean do mom's remember all of the stuff they need to teach their kids. Other than the obvious stuff like shapes and colors, how do you remember it all? Luckily, I have some time to figure this out seeing as I don't have any kids, and I am not pregnant. It stresses me out just thinking about it. Yikes. Cheers to all you great mom's out there.