Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Beginning

I decided it was about time for me to jump on the band wagon and start (or maybe I should say restart) a blog. It seems to be the thing to do these days. I have many reasons for doing this I suppose:
1. I like being able to keep up with friends and family. Besides being a generally nosy person, I sincerely enjoy hearing about what other people are doing. It makes me feel more normal.
2. It has been a long time since I have spent any significant time writing anything. I used to have a book (usually some novel I thought would make me look smart) and a notebook on my person at all times. I no longer have the urge to do this, which is fine, but I miss writing and I am excited to start again. I will need to thank my dad for inspiring me this time to keep writing and not give it up.
3. The most important reason is that I recently went to the blog I created my freshman year of college and reread some of the things that I wrote. All I can say is "WOW!" I was kind of a stuck up, pretentious brat. I am grateful to my friends and family for still loving me and putting up with all my ranting and lecturing. I am hoping that maybe I can redeem myself a little bit here. I guess only time will tell.
So here is a quick update on my life since my last post-I moved across the country...back to the evergreen state. From there I went to Utah State University and have since graduated. My very awesome husband, Rory, proposed to me during my Senior year. We got married on September 9, 2009. (Yes, that is 09/09/09. And yes, we were aware that it was a Wednesday when we planned it. Apparently 9 is a magical number). We are now living the life in Boise. Marriage is a blast and I feel blessed that I get to be with my best friend everyday. My favorite thing to do these days is try and embarrass Rory in public. (Dancing in public always gets him in case you are wondering). There really is nothing exciting going on, and it feels great. I love being able to relax and just enjoy life!

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